Our Day to Day
Learning Walk
Please take a look at our Learning walk below. This highlights everywhere that learning takes place in the setting and what the children are learning. Your child's learning and development is constantly at the forefront of our day to day. Our highly qualified staff are trained to ensure that every encounter is educationally beneficial and catered to your child's next steps and learning needs.
In our garden, you will find a mud kitchen, a sandpit, decking, 2 playhouses, a water play area, a gravel pit, a balance beam, a slide, a wigwam, and lots of small world play. Other resources and toys that interest the children that day are brought into the garden to play with.
We spend most of our time in the garden during the dryer months and create lots of shady areas using our Forest School den-making skills.

Forest School
Our Forest School sessions are led by our very own Level 3 Forest School leader Abbi. Activities are planned around the country or book of the month and focus on the whole child, developing their Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation, Empathy, Social Skills and the 7 prime areas of the EYFS.
We regularly visit Fosse Meadows and Burbage Common in our 15-seater minibus and provide wet weather suits and welly boots.
Some activities include; Den Making, Insect and Flora Identification, Roleplay, and Mark Making.
We encourage the children to take risks and teach them to be safe whilst doing so.

Snack Bar
You may wonder why the snack bar is on our Learning Walk. We believe that all aspects of the children's day have learning opportunities that shouldn't be missed. Taken from Montessori's idea of children having independence in their environment, our snack bar encourages children to learn everyday skills such as; washing hands, pouring a drink, chopping food with safe knives and making decisions. Children are also encouraged to clean up after themselves. Snack time is also a great time for children to develop social skills.
Our maths area is full of many different resources to help support children's learning and development.
We find different ways to use maths in all of our different themed activities and try to incorporate maths language in all of our areas.

Similar to our Maths area, our Literacy area is also full of equipment to support the children's learning and development.
Literacy spills into all areas of our learning in the setting from all of the different fiction and nonfiction books available, labels, our various methods of storytelling, singing songs, and writing for different purposes.
We love to stay active and our mornings always begin with either Yoga or Exercises to wake our bodies up ready for the day. We are constantly moving around during our Forest School sessions running around, climbing trees, and lifting.
We also love dancing and often learn traditional dances from our country of the month.
We regularly clear the room and spend some afternoons playing on the bikes, scooters, the climbing frame, and footballs.
We also support children's fine motor skills with many smaller activities such as playdough and treading.

The World
We love to celebrate all the beautiful and wonderful things the world has to offer.
From local nature and communities to countries from around the world. We also like to discover different materials, textures, sounds, and smells.
We are constantly adding to our World and Discovery area allowing the children to make sense of the world around them in their play.
At Pre-school we encourage all children to be kind and help each other whether it is helping with coats or inviting others to play.
We understand the importance of children forming strong attachments to be able to learn and grow in confidence within the setting.
The children's social skills are supported by the modeling of staff's language and behavior and also various role-play scenarios.